
Annotations can be done for a variety of purposes, and therefore the precise requirements you may want to meet will vary greatly. For example, if you are interested in assessing the reliability of the adult word count, you might extract and annotate solely the segments that have been thus defined -- meaning that you won't mark the onset and offset of phrases or pauses, a change of speaker if one is found within this allotted, and none of the above for all the rest of the segments. Or perhaps you are interested solely on the onset/offset accuracy, and thus you'll want to be able to look at the waveform (and listen to the signal) and be able to easily mark onset and offset, without caring about the content of what is spoken.

As a result, there is no single best recipe for annotations - it will depend on your goals. The following notes may help you make a decision regarding which system, or which hybrid, is the best for you.

NOTE: At present, this wiki contains the thoughts of only one person, who has the hope of annotating to capture:

The following is the list of systems that members of our network have used. Further information on each can be found in the subpages.

Towards a standardized annotation scheme

The goal is to produce annotation that is comparable, even if it was created with different software (see above). We intend to follow the following ground rules.

Files included

Basic files

Only one file is always required, and this is the meta-data file following [these conventions]

For LENA recordings, the .its is always available. It can be modified (e.g., the DOB and date), but in that case this should be noted in the metadata. Additionally, some researchers record multiple children with the same DLP. In this case, the .its should be noted as unreliable in the metadata.

For non-LENA recordings, a pseudo-.its can be generated.

Sound files can take a variety of forms.

Sections that need to be excised (to anonymize, etc.) are silenced, thus conserving the integrity of the timestamp [revisit after discussion]

Annotation files Additionally, there are optional files to be made available.
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